Buzud Presents Next of its Rapid Tests, the Fecal Occult Blood Rapid Test, to Provide Fast Aid in Detection of Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders
[Singapore, 26 January, 2023] – Singapore’s brand BUZUD, by Fosun Trade Medical Devices, a forefront manufacturer of medical devices and appliances, is pleased to present Fecal Occult Blood Rapid Test for self-testing, which is designed and produced in Cassette type configuration. It is a one step rapid test, made as an aid to detect blood found in a number of lower gastrointestinal disorders. It specifically detects human haemoglobin in fecal samples using immunochemical methods, which improves specificity for the detection of lower gastrointestinal disorders, including diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, adenomas, and colorectal cancers.
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Rapid Test for self-testing is a simple one-step test that provides results in only 3-5 minutes, and do not require any prior special preparation inconveniences before taking the test, such as certain dietary restrictions that are necessary before conducting tests by traditional methods. FOB Rapid Test sensitivity is 40 mg/L and 98.6% accuracy, according to the conducted clinical trials.
FOB Rapid Test provides an opportunity for a quick and hassle free early screening for potentially harmful diseases, such as colorectal cancers, the early detection of which may aid in fighting the disease in its very early stages and therefore reduce mortality rate.
The interpretation of results of the FOB Rapid Test for Self Testing are as follow: if both C and T pink-rose lines appear in the viewing window, it means that result is positive; if only C line appear in the viewing window, that means the result is negative; and if the result shows only T line, that indicates that the test has failed and you should repeat the procedure with a new testing device.
PLEASE NOTE: While FOB Rapid Test provides you with aid to determine the likelihood of the presences of possible diseases, it does not conduct a precise diagnosis. The data obtained by this test should be used in conjunction with other clinical findings and testing methods, such as barium enema, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, gathered by a physician.
A positive result only indicates the presence of human haemoglobin in fecal samples. The presence of blood in stool may be due to several causes, besides colorectal bleeding, such as haemorrhoids, blood in urine or stomach irritation. A negative result does not exclude bleeding since some polyps and colorectal region cancers can bleed intermittently or not at all. Additionally, blood may not be uniformly distributed in fecal samples. Colorectal polyps at an early stage may not bleed. All colorectal bleedings may not be due to precancerous or cancerous polyps.
As per the moment, BUZUD FOB Rapid Test for self testing is available for purchase in a 1 test per box package. Each of the BUZUD’s Cassette Fecal Occult Blood Tests for Self Testing supply kit included: 1 Test Cassette (individual foil pouch), 1 Sample Collection Tube (each tube contains 2ml buffer of 0.9% NaCl) and instruction for use. Each test device contains one test strip with anti-human haemoglobin monoclonal antibody coated membrane and a coloured anti-human haemoglobin monoclonal antibody pad.
The Storage of the sealed FOB Rapid Test kit should be at the room temperature for the duration of the shelf-life of the product.
BUZUD’s Fecal Occult Blood Rapid Test for Self Testing is now available for sale online and in-store. For online purchase please refer to the following links on the BUZUD web-site and online shop:
Fecal Occult Blood Rapid Test for Self Testing
Written by Liubov Kyrychenko, edited by Goh Jing Yuan
About Buzud (pronounced [‘bʌzud])
Established in 2006, BUZUD Singapore provides medical and healthcare services by developing and manufacturing HSA-approved medical equipment to ensure that every healthcare need is met. BUZUD is committed to raising awareness of the importance of personal health management in order to mitigate health risks that can affect quality of life. Our aftercare service offers replacements within 24 hours as part of our service excellence.
Buzud retail is located at 585 North Bridge Road, #01-02, Raffles Hospital.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm. Closed on Sunday.
Tel: 65189959 Email: customercare@buzud.com Website: www.Buzud.com
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