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+65 6518 9959

Raffles Hospital

#01-02, 585 North Bridge Road

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LH Ovulation Rapid Test

$10.58 (inclusive of GST)

  • Fast & Reliable Result (More than 99% accuracy in 10mins)
  • No more manual tracking (Bye Bye to ovulation calendar)
  • Enhanced Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Detection
  • Ease of Use
  • 25 mlU/ml or greater sensitivity
  • Comes in midstream version



REimagined 99% Accuracy Within 10 Minutes!

Our LH Ovulation Rapid Test is highly accurate and gives fast results via testing a sample of your urine. It allows you to determine the best time in your menstrual cycle for the highest chance to get pregnant. There is a narrow window where ovulation happens, and the chances of conceiving successfully increases. Knowing when that period of time is in your cycle can help with planning your future family.


Preparing to get pregnant by measuring basal body temperature will only tell you that you’ve ovulated after your ovary has released an egg, and since eggs only live for 12-24 hours, it may be too late to start trying that month. There are only a few days in each menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant, which is why it’s important to know which are your most fertile days. An ovulation test can accurately tell you when you are most likely to conceive if you have intercourse and can help you get pregnant faster. Ovulation tests work by identifying the rise in hormones that surge just before you release an egg, so you know when you can have intercourse to have the highest chances of getting pregnant.


  1. Fast & Reliable Result (More than 99% accuracy in 10mins)
  2. No more manual tracking (Bye Bye to ovulation calendar)
  3. Enhanced Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Detection
  4. Ease of Use
  5. 25 mlU/ml or greater sensitivity

REimagined Healthcare with
BUZUD Care Experience:

585 North Bridge Road,
#01-02 Raffles Hospital,
Singapore 188770

Call: +65 6518 9959

BUZUD is a Singapore Healthcare and Aesthetics brand.


This product supported by Fosun Trade Medical Device, is approved by Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA), and is also widely approved by health authorities globally.


  1. Information provided herein is not intended as dispensing medical advice(s). User(s) should consult their doctor for any doubt or to seek further clarification prior to use of the said product.
  2. User(s) is / are advised to refer to the product manual provided for more details and instructions of use. We shall not be held responsible for all informations presented herein which is merely consolidated as a product overview with descriptions in general.
  3. All images presented herein are for illustration and visual purposes only, and may varied from the final product delivered. Actual specifications, weight, and prices of the product may deviate, and  subjected to change(s) at any time.


Cassette, Strip, Midstream


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